
What is your main objective as an investor?

Register an Account

Optimise your investments and invest efficiently with a free Yodelar account. Registering an account takes no more than 2 minutes.

First name
Please enter your first name
Last name
Please enter your last name
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number

One moment please @firstname

We are about to ask you a number of questions about your existing investments and investor profile.

Do you currently have investment or pension accounts with any of the following providers?

Select multiple providers if applicable

What risk profile would you class yourself?

What type of investments do you currently have?

What is the approximate value of your total investments?

Next steps!

We recommend that all investors either book a no obligation call to discuss your needs or upload your existing portfolio for a free portfolio analysis. Please choose which you prefer.

One moment please

Before you upload your portfolio we have a few important questions

Complimentary portfolio analysis

Find out if you are invested in top or poor performing funds.

One moment please

We are working out how to help you invest more efficiently

Not ready to upload just yet. No problem

We will send you an email to reply to with your portfolio information when you are ready. 

In the mean time can we book you in for a no obligation call with the team to find out more?

Upload your portfolio

Drop your files into the box below, or click on the box and upload

Drop your file here or click. Load up to 5 files
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

One moment please

We are allocating your analysis to a team member

Great! We have received portfolio analysis request 🎉

Your information is now with our research team who will set up your new account and email you your analysis soon.

Information Received
Analysis Complete

I would like to suggest you book a no obligation call with our advice team while you wait

Great! Your all set 🎉

Your information is now with our team to review and set up your new Yodelar account.

Information Received
Creating Account

In the meantime we would suggest you book a call with our advice team

Great! Your all set 🎉

Your information is now with our team.

Information Received
Creating Account

We will be in touch soon!


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